Elif Leber

Leber Immigration Inc

Intro: Your Bridge to Canada: Elif Leber and Leber Immigration Inc. - Navigating Unique Paths to Canadian Immigration Success with Care

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Languages spoken

English, Turkish

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Office location

Hamilton, Ontario


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🇨🇦 Welcome to Leber Immigration Inc., where your Canadian dreams take flight! I’m Elif Leber, your dedicated Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and the proud founder of Leber Immigration Inc.

🌟 At Leber Immigration, we understand that your journey to Canada is as unique as you are. With a background in Computer Programming and years of experience as an educator and professional, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the field of immigration. My journey began with studies in Computer Programming at Ege University in Turkey and Mohawk College in Hamilton.

👩‍💻 I’ve had the privilege of working as a computer programmer for esteemed organizations such as the Hamilton Spectator and the Regional Municipality of Niagara. My passion for education led me to teach Software Engineering and Algorithms at Mohawk College, where I had the opportunity to inspire future talents.

👩‍👦‍👦 As a mother, I also devoted significant time to volunteering in my children’s schooling and extracurricular activities, gaining insights into the diverse needs of families. This valuable experience strengthened my commitment to personalized immigration services.

🌟 Graduating with honors from the Immigration Practitioner Program at Ashton College in BC, I am a proud member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). My approach to immigration is rooted in transparency, passion, and unwavering attention to detail. I believe that each client’s journey is unique, and I am dedicated to providing individualized support.

🤝 To ensure your success, I collaborate closely with a network of professionals, including educational consultants, employment agencies, relocation experts, real estate agents, and immigration lawyers. Leber Immigration is your trusted partner on the path to Canadian immigration success.

🌎 Canada offers boundless opportunities, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Join me at Leber Immigration Inc., where your dreams of a brighter future in Canada become a reality.


Express entry

3 to 5 Years

Family sponsorship

3 to 5 Years

Provincial nominees

3 to 5 Years

Quebec-selected skilled workers

3 to 5 Years

Atlantic immigration program

3 to 5 Years


3 to 5 Years

Start-up Visa

3 to 5 Years


3 to 5 Years

Rural and Northern immigration pilot

3 to 5 Years

Agri-food pilot

3 to 5 Years

Temporary to permanent resident pathway

3 to 5 Years

Economic mobility pathways pilot

3 to 5 Years


3 to 5 Years

Francophone immigration

3 to 5 Years

Appeal your immigration decision

3 to 5 Years

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