Niloofar Shadnik

Shadnik Immigration Services

Intro: Niloofar Shadnik: Your Bridge to Canada. Unlocking Opportunities, Fostering Dreams. Let's Navigate the Path to a Bright Canadian Future

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Languages spoken

English, Persian

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Office location

Richmond Hill, Ontario


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🇨🇦 Welcome to Shadnik Immigration Services, your gateway to Canada’s limitless opportunities. I’m Niloofar Shadnik, a dedicated Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC), and I’m here to make your Canadian dreams come true.

🌍 With a deep passion for immigration and a commitment to helping individuals and families achieve their aspirations, I bring extensive knowledge and expertise to your immigration journey. My mission is to guide you through the complex Canadian immigration process, providing personalized solutions that cater to your unique needs.

💼 Whether you’re seeking economic opportunities, reuniting with family, or starting anew in Canada, I am your trusted partner every step of the way. I understand the importance of your decision and the impact it has on your life, which is why I approach each case with dedication and precision.

📚 My qualifications include a comprehensive understanding of Canadian immigration laws, policies, and procedures, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date and accurate guidance. I stay informed about the ever-evolving landscape of immigration to provide you with the best possible advice.

🤝 Transparency, integrity, and a client-centric approach are the cornerstones of my practice. I believe in building strong relationships with my clients based on trust and open communication. Your goals become my goals, and together, we work towards your Canadian success story.

🌄 Canada’s diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and thriving economy are waiting for you. Let’s embark on this life-changing journey together. I am here to make your transition to Canada as smooth and successful as possible.

🔒 Rest assured, your Canadian dreams are in capable hands. I am committed to your success and look forward to being part of your transformative journey towards a brighter future in Canada.


Express entry

0 to 2 Years

Family sponsorship

0 to 2 Years

Provincial nominees

0 to 2 Years

Quebec-selected skilled workers

0 to 2 Years

Atlantic immigration program

0 to 2 Years


0 to 2 Years

Start-up Visa

0 to 2 Years


0 to 2 Years

Rural and Northern immigration pilot

0 to 2 Years

Agri-food pilot

0 to 2 Years

Temporary to permanent resident pathway

0 to 2 Years

Economic mobility pathways pilot

0 to 2 Years


0 to 2 Years

Francophone immigration

0 to 2 Years

Appeal your immigration decision

0 to 2 Years

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